About Us
VETS.COM is a website built, operated, and maintained by Veterans and their families.
Originally the vision of VETS.COM’s founder Ret. SFC Charles (Chuck) Napier, before his passing, was to serve the veteran community by providing an online space where veterans could find informative resources specific to veterans’ needs.

We hope to carry forward Chuck’s vision with the following goals:
First by providing articles telling about our experiences navigating life after ETS or Retirement, using the GI Bill, getting health services from the VA, etc. For me personally, there were things that got screwed up and things that went right. Hopefully those experiences can help guide others. On that note at VETS.COM we’d also love to pull stories from the community to showcase your own examples. In that arena, we are hoping that keeping up with the latest news while publishing articles that show recent developments in legislation and how it effects the veteran community will be helpful to all visitors of our site.
Also, we want to answer your questions. Sometimes general information isn’t enough and being able to ask specific questions is a big part of why this website exists. Send us an email at our Ask A Specialist feature and we will do our best to find the information you’re looking for in a timely manner.
Another goal of ours is to make this website self-sustaining without placing Google Ads all over it and to do that we’re hoping to release merchandise made in the USA and sponsor affiliate links with companies that we have a direct relationship with so you can find things you want.
Back in the days when the website was created “webrings” we’re a big part of online referral so we want to modernize this by promoting veterans with small businesses, companies that support veterans, and even larger profile veteran oriented businesses.
So that, in a nutshell, is VETS.COM’s directive.

Thank you for stopping by and we hope to see you again soon!